Categories: Digital Signage Blog

Digitalsignagepress Pro is moving to Codecanyon

Some big changes are coming to the sale of Digitalsignagepress Pro and we wanted to give you a heads up ahead of time. Continue reading for more info!

We’re moving Digitalsignagepress Pro from our site to CodeCanyon

In just over a week’s time a big change will happen when we become entirely responsible for the sale of Digitalsignagepress Pro on Codecanyon.net! By doing so you will no longer be able to download/buy Digitalsignagepress Pro from Digitalsignagepress.com and will instead need to download/purchase it directly from Codecanyon site.

New Pricing and Purchase Options for all Digitalsignage Plugin versions

Tied to the move will also be a small increase in the price of Digitalsignagepress Pro along with the addition of two extra purchase options:

Digitalsignagepress Lite for a single domain, is now available for free download.
A new Digitalsignagepress Pro version will cost $149, you can buy it directly from codecanyon.net
A new Digitalsignagepress Enterprise 100 version will cost 399 Euro.

Existing Digitalsignagepress Pro Customers

If you’re an existing Pro customer don’t panic! Your purchase is still safe and you won’t need to buy Digitalsignagepress Pro again. By doing so we will grant you access to the latest version of Digitalsignagepress Pro which will be immediately downloadable.

Through this change, we can offer expanded purchase and bundle options for more freedom of use, and provide you with an improved, smooth update experience with faster customer support.

The changes will come into effect on the 07th of October 2016.

If you have any questions write us a mail!

