This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Michiel Bouwmeester 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #13958 Reply


    Where can i find the android player to rest and will connect continue to play on failed connection upon reboot of player? Please advise.

    By the way, i like how this product is coming alone now and i’m more incline in making purchases now.


  • #13959 Reply


    Sorry press sent too fast. Correction:

    Where can i find the android player to test and will player continue to play content after a failed connection upon reboot of player? Please advise.

    By the way, i like how this product is coming alone now and i’m more incline into making purchases now. Good Job Guys and keep it coming.


  • #14050 Reply


    Hello. We are not sure what you exactly mean. You can use every Android Device which you want to. When you talk about our special android app,
    you will get it when you buy the enterprise plugin.

  • #14096 Reply


    1. I’m asking does player cache and playback content if it goes offline?
    2. Will an offline (no internet) player continue playing cached content after a reboot?

    Please advise.

    Thank You!

  • #14288 Reply


    did you find a solution to your problem @vish

  • #14328 Reply

    It would be interesting to know if it is possible.

    Does smil support player content, locally synced?

  • #29077 Reply

    Admin, how can we make the android app cache everything locally?
    Currently when the internet connection fails the app stops or crashes..

Reply To: Connectivity: Offline content playback after reboot
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