This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel Shapcott 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #5748 Reply

    Fredrik Ramstedt


    I’m trying to publish playlist on LG webos signage display.

    Pressing the “settings” button and doing the 8080 code. Input the URL and settings

    Application launch mode: Local
    Local Application upgrade: Remote
    Auto set: On

    I only get a “ERROR” message and a try again. Have dubble checked the URL 100 times…

    If i set the Launch mode to remote the TV plays the playlist. This is not a good solution with bandwidth in mind =)

    Any thoughts or ideas?

    Best regards

  • #44653 Reply

    the URL gets truncated at the ? i had to use a url shortener to work around it.

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