This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Admin 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #43053 Reply



    We are using the enterprise version.
    Is it possible to “move” a playlist between users and/or customers?

  • #43069 Reply

    Bas Hoogvorst

    I have the same question,
    Does anyone know the answer, if this is possible?

  • #43076 Reply

    Bas Hoogvorst

    I just found out how you can accomplish this.

    You log in to PHPMyadmin with the database user that is used for the Digital Signage Press website.
    There you go to wp_ds_program, and there you see all the playlists that are currently available.

    If you have created the playlist for user/customer “All”, the you see “customerID” -1.
    Every new user is created ongoing; 1, 2, 3, etcetera.

    If you need to find out which ID the customer has, create a blank playlist as the new customer, and check the database like described above.
    Then change the customerID to that number, and Voila, it has been moved.

  • #43248 Reply


    While that works you may also have to adjust the same value for the wp_ds_screen entries that belong to a playlist.

    Also note that the ds_ prefix may vary depending on installation, especially with multisite.

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