This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Admin 8 years ago.

  • Author
  • #5874 Reply

    Dirk Eubel

    Is a slideshow loop possible?

    After tow slides and the only two it stops with: This device number is already occupied by a different monitor, please enter the URL of a different device for this monitor.

  • #5891 Reply


    Do you use the Lite version?

    Theoretically, there are no limits on repetitions, we have no limits integrated, the loop has to repeat itself. And for time-controlled slides we have integrated a scheduling module into our Pro and Enterprise version.

    We can not understand why it don’t works on your site…
    We need to reconstruct it so that we can understand it, or need the access data for your wordpress installation.

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