This topic contains 9 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Digitalsignagepress 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #14183 Reply


    I want to sell this product to multiple customers in my country. How can you provide white label solution?

  • #14184 Reply



    You get the plugin as a white label solution.
    Rhis is standard. You can put in your logo.

  • #14185 Reply


    so if i want to configure the theme for a new customer i have to buy a new licence?

  • #14186 Reply


    No. Just add a new user. You buy the plugin only once.
    Yourself are the customer then and can add many users.
    The plugin is designed for this case.

  • #14193 Reply


    okay. I had this one last query.Can multiple users use the platform at the same time from different computers?
    Basically I wanna know if i install this plugin on my server and add different users to it. Do different users will have independent dashboards to manage their content with me being the super admin?

  • #14194 Reply



    Yes this is all possible ! Otherwise it wouldn’t make
    Sense to offer it. As we said, its designed for requests
    Like that.

  • #14195 Reply


    Hi. Thank you so much for your reply. Do you have a ready demo for it? because in your current demo i am not able to achieve this. After logging in as a user when i again login as a different user I can see the same playlists and content.
    Basically i want different users to access their own specific dashboard and manage their specific content and publish it.They can access the dashboard simultaneously without any dependency on each other. They shall have different playlists and media which is only shown to them. Is this possible?

  • #14196 Reply



    Sorry we dont have a demo for this case. BUt as i said
    When you buy the plugin this is all possible !

    Because of the limitation in the demo we cant offer it.

  • #14197 Reply


    Great. I will buy this plugin. Do you have the features that i asked for in the current plugin? Or will you customize it for me?

  • #14198 Reply



    Its all in the current plugin. (Enterprise).

    Many of our customers bought it to provide the same like
    Want to do.

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